Freebird Aluminium is used in various aluminium panels for façade, roof and wallcladding, balconies, ceilings, canopies etc.
This panel consists of an aluminium inner -and outer sheet and a synthetic core. For the architectural applications, the inner -and outer sheets have a thickness of 0,50mm and the core generally 3,0mm. This core material is made of LDPE or mineral/polymer compound. These panels are often referred to as ACP or ACM. ACP is used for façade-cladding, windowflashings, canopies, column-cladding, interior walls and backsplash for kitchens and bathrooms.
A honeycomb panel consists of an aluminium outer -and inner sheet and an aluminium core in honeycomb-shape. Because of their very rigidity they are available in large sizes and are often used as façade-cladding, ceilings en floors (trains).
This are panels with an aluminium inner -and outer sheet and a core of insulating material, such as PUR, PIR, mineral wool, rockwool, EPS or XPS. The panels are light and have excellent insulating properties, which makes them very suitable for industrial buildings.
Trapezoidal sheets are rollformed or produced with a bending/pressing machine. They are available in many geometries and depths. These type of sheets are suitable for facade and roofing.
A sinusoidal sheet is a rollformed product. It is available in various depths and dimensions in the shape of a wave. 18/76 is very common, but a smaller or larger wave is also available. The sheets are mainly used for facades, but also sometimes for roofing.
These aluminium panels are rollformed and have a high (50 or 65mm) or low (25mm) seam. To save weight and cost, the aluminium coils van be décor-painted (FDC) or digitally printed (FDD) in a patinated zinc or copper appearance. Standing seam is developed to be used for roofing, but lately it is also used as façade-cladding.
Shingles are an established product for roof -and facadecladding and enable a very flexible geometry because of their relatively small surface and shape. They are often used to clad dome-structures in their “traditional” diamond shape, but nowadays also in larger dimension in rectangle-shape for façade cladding.
Siding panels are used for façade cladding and can be installed horizontally and vertically. Generally it is a rollformed product, available in various widths and thicknesses, which makes it easy to achieve a practical façade-layout and create varied effects. They are easy to install with a male-female connection.
The aluminium ceilings are often used for larges surfaces such as shopping malls, airports, trainstations, offices etc. The profiles are rollformed and in many shapes and dimensions available.
On project-basis a customized panel can be developed by many manufacturers. The aluminium and the entire paint/printing system is flexible and suitable for rollforming and bending. The outer sheet (visible part) of above mentioned panels can be coated (FDC) or digitally printed (FDD) with any imaginable design with practically no limitations.
Freebird Aluminium B.V.
Industrieterrein ‘De Brand’
Number: 7029
De Tweeling 8
5215 MC ‘s-Hertogenbosch
The Netherlands
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